
Friday 29 November 2019

Why was a Treaty needed in New Zealand?

In 1830 there were 100000 Maori and 100 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behavior of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Maori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behavior of some of the British Settlers like whalers. The lawlessness made it hard for other people like the Maori to clean up after the settlers. They were drinking excessively and getting drunk and trashing bars. They held Maori women as prostitutes and did all sorts of things against their will. This ongoing lawless behavior was one reason a treaty was developed.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Maori rights. One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. They helped the Maori by giving them back their land which was taken by the settlers and giving them back their jobs so they could have a living and pay for their family. The rights of Maori was another reason the treaty was created.

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. The musket wars were bad enough as it is, but it was way worse for those who didn't have muskets. So in order to get muskets, the Maori had to trade all their food for muskets. This made it hard for them to feed their family or even themselves. But they had too as they would have been defenseless if they were attacked by other tribes. The loss of 20,000 people in the musket was also lead to the treaty development.

The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence. The declaration of independence wasn't working out, no one was follow what they were trying to do or say so instead, they created a treaty which allowed both tribes to come to an agreement and hopefully stop the wars. Allowing the Maori to live in peace and not have to worry about being killed, or protecting their family.

In conclusion, a treaty was needed because there were just too many wars and lawlessness behavior was just getting out of hand. Everyone was either trying to defend their tribe or attack another tribe. And a treaty stopped all that from happening and allowed their to be peace between the tribes.

Friday 1 November 2019


Today in science, I will be researching volcanoes and the history behind it.

Tambora was the largest volcano explosion known to the planet in the last 10000 years.
It happened on 10 April 1815.
The eruption reached over 50 kilometers away.
The eruption killed more than 100000 people directly and indirectly.
Mount Tambora is still active till this day.
It is believed that the eruption created tsunamis that reached over 10 meters high.
Image result for tambora

After the research, we erupted a volcano we made. The eruption was able to happen as we mixed 4 spatulas of potassium iodide in 20 ml of water and 35% hydrogen peroxide dish washing liquid and food coloring.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Science Land Yacht

The Project i'm going to be working to for this week is a land yacht.

My aim for this project is going to be: To make a land yacht move further the the rest of  my class by using wind.

My method for this project is going to be: Using a pole to put a meter piece of paper threw it to make a shape that would resist the most wind allowing us to move further.
Image result for how to make a land yacht for a school project

Monday 2 September 2019

Essay Pre-planning

  • My key event is going to be the cheater when Zelie got to see her mum.
  • My important character is going to be Zelie.
  • My character changed from being soft, lost and no self-esteem to being strong and courageous .

The incident of Zelie finally getting to see her mum again after a long time. "Mama?" Zelie says. "Hello my little Zel" Mama says. "I thought you were gone" Zelie says.

Monday 26 August 2019


Inan’s amber eyes trap me in the truth of his betrayal, but it isn’t the gaze I
know. He’s a stranger. A soldier. The shell of the little prince.

This could be compared to someone who you would call two-faced.

Thursday 22 August 2019


“I could skin Saran alive and I still wouldn’t have my revenge.” I shrug off his
hand. “It’s not about him. It’s not even about me. If I don’t stop him tomorrow,
he’ll destroy my people like he destroyed me.”
For the first time since the torture, I feel a hint of the old fire that used to roar

louder than my fear. But its flame is weak now; as soon as it flickers, it’s blown
out by the wind.

This could be compared to chapter 74 where King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between maji and kosidán
failed in the past, so he does not want to try again.
Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his
heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite
sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be
everything his Father wants.

But the only difference is that Zelie's duty is to bring back piece and magic. Unlike King saran, his duty is war and death.


King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between maji and kosidán
failed in the past, so he does not want to try again.
Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his
heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite
sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be
everything his Father wants.

This could be related to a kid at school that just wants to play but but knows his father just wants him to study. But he finally starts to understand his father and starts to do work.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Science electrical circuits.

Completing this topic allowed me to understand more about series and parallel circuits. And this can help me in my every day life especially if I’m a builder. Now I know how all my lights work and weather they are in series or parallel.

Tuesday 20 August 2019


Father stands in his night robes, scanning a faded map. No sign of hatred. Not
even a hint of disgust.
For him, carving MAGGOT into a girl’s back is just another day’s work.

In that instant it hits me: Zulaikha’s death. Zélie’s screams. They don’t mean a
thing to him. Because they’re maji, they’re nothing.

This could be compared to How some people treat dogs and cats with disgust just because they are animals.

Monday 19 August 2019


“You know what intrigues me about your kind? You always start in the middle
of the story. As if my father didn’t fight for your rights. As if you maggots didn’t
burn my family alive.”
“You can’t enslave an entire people for the rebellion of a few.”
Saran bares his teeth. “You can do whatever you want when you’re the king.”

This relates to someone who thinks only about the history of their family and uses that as an excuse to kill others.

Friday 16 August 2019


1. What is the definition of technology. Technology is creating things or upgrading things to make life easier.

3. In the link above, there are photos of what is was like to use the latest technology in the past and in the present. It is to give you a better understanding of how people did thing back then.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

“How will me coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak,
your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is

justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring.
They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, face
alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha
created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than
anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the
resources of the monarchy behind us."

bringing every thing back together and becoming one again.

Monday 12 August 2019

“I’ll prove myself to you, to all of you,” Inan declares. “You’re on the right side
of this. My only desire is to stand there as well.”
“Good.” I lean forward to hug him, holding on to his promise.
But when his hands wrap around my back, all I can think of are how his fingers
are resting just above my scars.
He doesn't deserve a second chance, for all the things he has done.

Friday 9 August 2019

group performance tasks

Who is in your group? and what are the instruments?
Tamati - Piano
Manase - Drums  
Manasa - Bass
Ryan - Singing 
Jireh - Guitar
               What song have you chosen? and why?
The song is One love: We chose this song because it was easy and that the whole group has something to do so nobody has nothing to do.

What is the song about?
The song is about two people being together and become one love, also just be something you can be.

What part of the song are we rehearsing?
The first 1/4 of the beginning and yep.

Thursday 8 August 2019

English Chapter 49

Chapter 49 – Amari
Strike, Amari.
Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead.
Be the Lionaire.
King Saran sees the ability to hurt others as strength. Amari has realized that strength can
mean something else, as she learned from Binta. I believe strength comes from being strong
enough to do what is right.

This reminds me of the movie the lion king.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

English essay

In the scene going for a run 1:29, from the movie The Power Of One director John Avildsen wants us to see the aspect of an aparthid.

In the scene were PK and Duma go for a run, the director uses a long shot to stress the environment that they are in. For instance, we see that the  government only allows 1 small and run down toilet for every 200 people. The director's purpose is to show how unequal the government's policy of apartheid was between whites and Africans. How even the basic amenities, like a toilet,  were unfairly distributed. This film technique allows the audience to visualize what the reality of having no home toilet but instead a single toilet for 200 people.The long shot with the tracking shot is key as it shows Duma and PK’s transition from the rundown, overcrowded and dirt street environment of the africans, compared to the modern looking, less crowded and wider sealed road environment.

In the scene, the director uses a mid shot to show PK and Duma going for a drink after their run. This scene is showing PK trying to drink out of a whites only water fountain. But it doesn't work. As PK frustratingly tries to get a drink, Duma goes to the non whites water fountain, which is only a tap. The director did this as he wanted to show that whites and blacks were not legally supposed to drink out of the same water fountain. This shows the audience how the people were racially segregated. Although it showed only a non white was supposed to drink out of a non white fountain, PK still felt comfortable enough to drink out of it. This is because he knows it is unlikely he would be in trouble for doing so. This would not be the same for Duma if he drank out of a whites only drinking fountain.

In this scene were Duma walks away from PK, the director uses a deep focus shot to show Duma walking past a white mother and her two children. As Duma neared the mother and her children, the mother pulled them protectively aside. The director did this to show a fear of letting white children to close to a male african. Like you would try to pull a child away from a wild dog in the street. This suggests to the audience that whites, especially white females, believe Africans are less than human. This is important because if whites considered africans were less than human, they could justify treating them inhumanely.

Hi Ryan -- excellent effort on your visual text essay! You have shown me that you are really keen to succeed, and this is great. Based on what you have added in the time you had for extension, I have moved you up from a level 4 to a level 5 (at the level) for this assessment. You have included some terrific advanced vocabulary choices such as ‘inhumanely’, ‘transition’, ‘visualise’ and ‘segregated’. In your introduction, the aspects are the film techniques (not Apartheid). Make sure you list these. A conclusion is also really important in an essay. In your body paragraphs, you could improve your writing by included links to your own experiences and/or events happening now in the wider world. Ka rawe Ryan :)

Friday 26 July 2019


The purpose of the boomerang activity was for us to research about it then make it and then use the research to design the boomerang so that it resembles traditional boomerangs.
When painting my boomerang, I just went with what I had on the top of my head and connected it with what I've researched.

Thursday 25 July 2019


“How long?” she breathes. “How long have you been a maji?”
She hisses the word like it’s a curse. Like I’m the spitting image of Lekan. Not
the boy she’s known since birth. The soldier she’s trained for years.
“The girl infected me. It’s not permanent.”
“You’re lying.” Her lips peel back in disgust. “Are you…are you working with
“No! I was looking for clues!” I step forward. “I know where she is–”
“Stay back!” Kaea screams. I freeze, hands in the air. There’s no recognition in
her eyes.
Only unbridled fear.
This could be compared to / A message I received from this scene is

Friday 5 July 2019

Science[Metals And Oxygen]

When we take a piece of magnesium and put it over a blue flame, ignites the magnesium, burning bright white until it turns in to magnesium oxide.

Science [Metal Carbonate and acid]

When metal carbonate is mixed with acid, It produces carbon dioxide. So if we collect enough carbon dioxide in another test tube, it will be able to put out a flame.

Tuesday 28 May 2019


Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances 

For Cabbage and Beetroot: Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.

Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.
Boil over a Bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the color to leach out of the cabbage.
Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish colored liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7. (The exact color you get depends on the pH of the water.)
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

Repeat this method for the beetroot.

Monday 27 May 2019


In this shot, the director uses a close-up shot showing the emotions of the two actors in the scene allowing the audience to understand in full detail what's happening to the two people.

Thursday 23 May 2019


The director used longshot of a guard showing his power and about to punish geelpiet. In this long shot, you can see the guard's legs and baton, geelpiet, doc, pk and some prisoners sitting on the ground. In this particular scene, the director used the aspect of a long shot to emphasize the guards power and what he could do with PK, geelpiet and doc. This scene makes the audience feel terrified and say oh no! and feel suspicious about the guard.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Sost creative righting

In 1850 I was living in London, I’m 15 and I've been working as a chimney boy ever since I was 9 years old, cleaning all that coal and soot out of the chimneys. I had to start working because parents and I live in a one-room house that we can barely afford to rent. My job had very little to no pay and I was getting lung infections from all that coal getting into my lungs.

I needed a new job so I asked around. Most of the people didn't know or have any good jobs but there was one that stood out, it was to take care of a horse. So I applied and when I had my first day I found out that was just cleaning up horse shit. the smell didn't really bother me that much because I was used to the smell of feces on the street as people just do their business in a bucket that they keep under their bed. I've always hated that, as it gets to our water supply causing illnesses and diseases. Every time there is an election for a new government I am reminded that you have to be a wealthy man you have to be wealthy because only wealthy people own land as it was expensive, and you need land to be able to vote.

One day on my way to work I saw a poster stuck to a lampost. It promised land and a new start in a country called New Zealand. I took the poster with me to my work I looked at it all day and when I finally got home I told my parents about it. It took us months on end to get them to get the 15 pound ticket each. After we got the ticket we spent a long 120 days out at sea, wealthy people on that voyage could stay in more spacious cabins and eat better food but for the not so wealthy people, they were cramped under the deck with rodents and not so good food. Soon they started to get illnesses and diseases, some of them did not live to see land again. When they finally reached New Zealand then saw hardly and buildings. The only building they say were the settlers' buildings.

Wednesday 15 May 2019


1. 9

2. I believe that I was doing well as I made few mistakes and my team won both races.

3. dribbling 

4.  hand-eye coordination

5. have quicker reflexes

Monday 6 May 2019

Sost Powtoon

This link takes you to my powtoon

Migration is when a person moves to another country or city permanently or temporarily.

Monday 25 March 2019


- Using spatula, scoop 1/2 kiwifruit into bag. Add 25mL water + a pinch of salt.

- Mush until a thick soup.

- Pour over cloth into funnel into beaker

- Pour liquid into test tube. Add dish washing liquid + swirl. Allow to sit for 5 minutes.

- Tilt test tube on 45o angle and slowly pour 10mL of ethanol down the side. 

- Allow to sit.

The DNA sits on top of the ethanol the DNA looked like white mushy strans 

Water helped break kiwi fruit apart. Salt helped clump the DNA Ethanol helped see it as it sits on top


Children are used in child labour because they won't know right from wrong and they are easy to control. Child labour is also known as child slavery. Child slavery prevents them from having freedom thus removing them from their human rights. Some of those rights are freedom of speech, freedom of going where ever they want and so on. some of the countries are Eritrea, Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar and Sudan. Children that are used in child labour are exposed to dangerous conditions and don't have basic human rights.


I learned about backdrops, protagonist and antagonist. this will help me with my writing skills. I liked activity 1 because I like writing stories and activity 1 was similar to that. I like working in groups because when I'm lost I can always get help from my group.

Thursday 28 February 2019


In PE I improved in my discus  as I can now spin and throw rather then just throwing the discus

Music Appreciation

1. Despacito Peter Bence
2. piano
3. looping pedal

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Home economics

Week 2 

Q4a. A fire extinguisher and a fire blanket.

Q4b. A fire extinguisher is used to put out unwanted fires and a fire blanket is to put out fires with oil spills.

Q4c. If you try blowing out an oil fire the fire the air you blow will heat up the flame even more causing the flame to spread rapidly.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Heart attack

Heart attack? What is it? A heart attack is when your a artery is blocked with fats and blood can’t flow threw.
Causes of one? Eating too much fats and oil.
How to prevent it? Eat more green eat more healthy food use olive oil.
Treatment? Go for jogs stay in shape eat healthy and take medication.
Symptoms? Sharp pain in your chest cold sweat and swelling in your legs

Friday 15 February 2019

Performing arts

1. Pariss Renee Goebel was born on the 29th of October 1991. Also professionally known as Parri$.
Parri$ was born in New Zealand, and when she was 10 years old she started hip-hop lessonsImage result for parris goebel


3. what does choreography mean? The choreography is the sequence of steps in a dance.

Friday 8 February 2019

Music 1st performance

I chose the piano because that is the instrument that I'm most familiar with.

I felt like I could do better I just have to put more effort into practicing.

I would play with more confidence and hopefully be less nervous.

But overall I felt like I did good for my first ever performance in front of a class.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

What is Arthritis?

Image result for arthritis

What is Arthritis?

There are several different conditions when it comes to arthritis but the main causes of it are swelling or stiffness in a joint.

Because there are several types of arthritis, it’s important to know which one you have. These are the different types of arthritis Osteoarthritis, Gout and calcium crystal diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, Spondyloarthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Overexertion can lead to rheumatoid arthritis the causes of rheumatoid arthritis is not yet fully understood, although doctors do know that an abnormal response of the immune system plays a leading role in the inflammation and joint damage that occurs.

Myths-all joint pains are caused by arthritis, ice is less helpful than heat when it comes to treating arthritis.