
Tuesday 28 May 2019


Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances 

For Cabbage and Beetroot: Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.

Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.
Boil over a Bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the color to leach out of the cabbage.
Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish colored liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7. (The exact color you get depends on the pH of the water.)
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

Repeat this method for the beetroot.

Monday 27 May 2019


In this shot, the director uses a close-up shot showing the emotions of the two actors in the scene allowing the audience to understand in full detail what's happening to the two people.

Thursday 23 May 2019


The director used longshot of a guard showing his power and about to punish geelpiet. In this long shot, you can see the guard's legs and baton, geelpiet, doc, pk and some prisoners sitting on the ground. In this particular scene, the director used the aspect of a long shot to emphasize the guards power and what he could do with PK, geelpiet and doc. This scene makes the audience feel terrified and say oh no! and feel suspicious about the guard.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Sost creative righting

In 1850 I was living in London, I’m 15 and I've been working as a chimney boy ever since I was 9 years old, cleaning all that coal and soot out of the chimneys. I had to start working because parents and I live in a one-room house that we can barely afford to rent. My job had very little to no pay and I was getting lung infections from all that coal getting into my lungs.

I needed a new job so I asked around. Most of the people didn't know or have any good jobs but there was one that stood out, it was to take care of a horse. So I applied and when I had my first day I found out that was just cleaning up horse shit. the smell didn't really bother me that much because I was used to the smell of feces on the street as people just do their business in a bucket that they keep under their bed. I've always hated that, as it gets to our water supply causing illnesses and diseases. Every time there is an election for a new government I am reminded that you have to be a wealthy man you have to be wealthy because only wealthy people own land as it was expensive, and you need land to be able to vote.

One day on my way to work I saw a poster stuck to a lampost. It promised land and a new start in a country called New Zealand. I took the poster with me to my work I looked at it all day and when I finally got home I told my parents about it. It took us months on end to get them to get the 15 pound ticket each. After we got the ticket we spent a long 120 days out at sea, wealthy people on that voyage could stay in more spacious cabins and eat better food but for the not so wealthy people, they were cramped under the deck with rodents and not so good food. Soon they started to get illnesses and diseases, some of them did not live to see land again. When they finally reached New Zealand then saw hardly and buildings. The only building they say were the settlers' buildings.

Wednesday 15 May 2019


1. 9

2. I believe that I was doing well as I made few mistakes and my team won both races.

3. dribbling 

4.  hand-eye coordination

5. have quicker reflexes

Monday 6 May 2019

Sost Powtoon

This link takes you to my powtoon

Migration is when a person moves to another country or city permanently or temporarily.